Sports Illustrated May 20, 1957 Cover Gussie Busch.
"Horror in Italy" (Marquis Alfonso de Portago" by William Rospiglioi.
"A Blunder is Repaired" (John Fraser) by Martin Kane.
"Alas, Poor Giants!" by Robert Creamer.
"Man About London" by Fred R. Smith.
"Fish Story at Coney (Island)" by John O'Reilly.
"Gussie Busch's Kind of Day" by Gerald Holland.
"Second Round" (Preakness) by Whitney Tower.
"All Hail, Cornell" (Carnegie Cup Regatta) by Don Parker.
"Fishing With an Angle -- Part II: The Lady and the Trout" by Alfred Duggan.
Gussie Busch; Articles: Horse Show