SteenoSports Scorecard Collection |  | | Score Card List
Yankees 1. 1954: June 13th, April 15 (opening day). 2. 1953: April 14 (opening day). 3. 1952: May 11th plus ticket stub 4. 1951: April 17th (opening day) Mantle first game as Yankee (Number 6 in lineup card) 5. 1950: May 7th, August 22, 6. 1949: April 19th opening day, May 1, May19, May 25, July 28th , Aug 21, Sept 26 7. 1948: 1un-scored vs. Boston, June 2, July 21, August 27 8. 1947: April 15 (opening day), July 30th, August 3 9. 1946: 1 un-scored vs. Detroit, May 10, June 9, Aug 21. 10. 1943: April 22, (opening day) 11. 1942: April19, May3June 7, July 12, Aug 30. 12. 1941: July 27, Aug 17, Sept 7. 13. 1940: 1 un-scored vs. Boston, June 2, June 9, July 21, Aug. 25 14. 1939: July 30 15. 1938: Sept 3 16. 1937: 1 un-scored vs. Cleveland with matching ticket stub of May 23. 17. 1936: 1 un-scored vs. Washington. Lou Gehrig on lineup card. First year Joe D. #9
Boston Braves (Bee's) 1. !937: 1 un-scored vs. Giants
Boston Red Sox 1. 1951: Sept 15.
New York Giants 1. 1937: 1 un-scored vs. Brooklyn and 1 un-scored vs. St. Louis.